ITN GROUP is a family-owned company established in 1992 to implement new technologies and techniques in food production and processing.
DetailsITN AGROTECH offers complete agricultural engineering, planning, design and implementation of new technologies and techniques in agricultural production.
DetailsITN FOODTECH specializes in the development and implementation of projects for factories, warehouses, cold stores and plants in the food and beverage production and processing industry, according to the "PRODUCT IN HAND" system.
DetailsITN EKOPOVLEN is a factory of fruits, vegetables and herbs, with over 50 years of tradition, a leader in the production, packaging and export of quick-frozen fruits. The factory has implemented the latest technologies that ITN GROUP has specialized in dur
DetailsMogens Petersen and Hans Tindeskov founded Kongskilde in 1949. They created a special atmosphere in Kongskilde, where several hundred employees felt part of a large international family, and put all their efforts into ensuring the success of their company.
The seed was sown when two young colleagues (30-year-old Mogens Petersen and 26-year-old Hans Tindeskov) decided to launch what they call "some kind of company of their own."
Before launching the company, Mogens had already designed a grain blower that mechanized the hard work of carrying bags of shaker grain, machines that traveled from farm to farm around Denmark. This was before the arrival of the combine.
Two young producers borrowed DKK 15,000 each, on the basis of their life insurance, and leased a small building that was previously used as a cement plant by Mogens's father for DKK 75 a month. This building still forms a part of Kongskilde's 35,000 m2 building complex in Soro, Denmark.
Mogens and Hans started with one employee. They had only one product in their range and only one grain blower was produced. It was tested at a neighboring farm and worked satisfactorily. It was then sold to farmers in the same village. The next batch of 3 blowers was also sold in the same area. And so began Kongskilde.
The Kongskilde Agriculture brand offers a complete range of soil preparation and sowing devices, bulky forage production and storage equipment.
Kongskilde products are marketed under the worldwide Kongskilde brand and under the Howard, Nordsten, Becker, Overum and JF brands and the Juko regional brand. Production facilities are located in Poland, Sweden and the United States. Kongskilde Agriculture is owned by CNH Industrial and is part of the Nev Holland Agriculture brand.
Soil preparation, from stubble to harvest and optimized chain of machinery, Kongskilde develops methods and equipment for soil cultivation and plant care through five brands: Kongskilde, Howard, Nordsten, Överum and Becker.
Cereals & Straws:
System solutions in agriculture. Kongskilde is known for its particular competence in transportation, drying, storage and sorting of cereals and other types of crops as well as large bale drying systems. In addition, Kongskilde also offers a comprehensive product range of mobile heaters for drying and heating in agriculture, construction and industry.