ITN GROUP is a family-owned company established in 1992 to implement new technologies and techniques in food production and processing.
DetailsITN AGROTECH offers complete agricultural engineering, planning, design and implementation of new technologies and techniques in agricultural production.
DetailsITN FOODTECH specializes in the development and implementation of projects for factories, warehouses, cold stores and plants in the food and beverage production and processing industry, according to the "PRODUCT IN HAND" system.
DetailsITN EKOPOVLEN is a factory of fruits, vegetables and herbs, with over 50 years of tradition, a leader in the production, packaging and export of quick-frozen fruits. The factory has implemented the latest technologies that ITN GROUP has specialized in dur
DetailsPowerful in all conditions and in all terrains.
Manitou won the market with its revolutionary hydraulics technology back in 1957. But far more than that - Manitou has helped countless companies master the market in their area with their products. Manitou is a leader in over 120 countries with a range of products including:
Agriculture - MLT series of telescopic loaders and specialty rough terrain forklifts;
Construction- MRT and MT series telescopic loaders;
Industry - Height platforms and a wide variety of forklifts.
The precision, flexibility and power of the Manitou machinery is tailored to all your needs in: mixed agriculture, horticulture, livestock, poultry, fruit and wine growing, manipulation of cereals, nurseries and livestock. Use the power of the latest generation of famous Manitou machines and achieve the success already enjoyed by the world's most powerful companies.
Agricultural market benchmark in the field of telescopic manipulators. Specially designed to meet the needs of users in agriculture, the MLT telescopic manipulator program has capacities of 2.3 to 4.5 tons, raises to heights of 5 to 10 m, depending on the model.
With the widest selection of machines on the market, MANITOU offers guaranteed productivity and comfort in any use.
Iz velike ponude MANITOU viljuškara izdvajamo seriju polu-industrijskih MSI viljuškara, nosivosti od 2,0 do 3,5 t, sa visinom podizanja 3,0 - 6,0 m, opremljenih EURO III motorima Kubota Turbo 60 HP/44 kW i hidrostatičkim prenosom. U pitanju su viljuškari koje odlikuje posebna okretnost i fleksibilnost, kao i rad i kretanje po nepripremljenoj podlozi, klizavom terenu, preko ivičnjaka i šina. Osim toga, viljuškar serije MSI ima kompaktne dimenzije - visina standardne verzije je 2,1 m.
Da bi se omogućio što lakši pristup, vozilo je dizajnirano tako da operater prilazi radnom mestu sa obe strane, bez pragova za penjanje. Zahvaljujući ergonomskom dizajnu, radno mesto operatera je izolovano od vibracija, standardna verzija poseduje zaštitni ram sa prednjim i zadnjim zatamnjenim vetrobranskim staklom sa brisačima, ručice za upravljanje su postavljene u neposrednoj blizini sedišta koje je presvučeno skajem i opremljeno sigurnosnim pojasom.
MLT series intended for agriculture